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Politico And WSJ Cast A Sharp Eye Over Obama Sudan Policy

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Politico And WSJ Cast A Sharp Eye Over Obama Sudan Policy

Posted by Amanda Hsiao on December 14, 2009

Politico And WSJ Cast A Sharp Eye Over Obama Sudan Policy

Take a look at two notable pieces, from Politico and Wall Street Journal, published this weekend.

Ben Smith of Politico notes that the administration continues to cover for Special Envoy Major General Scott Gration’s slip-up at a recent House hearing on Sudan. During her talk at the Holocaust Museum, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice reassures the audience that the administration does, indeed, have benchmarks and specific incentives and pressures in its Sudan policy.

Wall Street Journal offered a compare and contrast of the promises made in President Obama’s Nobel speech to actions actually taken toward Sudan. Calling the administration “reluctant even to allude to tougher sanctions,” the piece argues that the ruling NCP has in fact exploited the administration’s soft tone by raising even more impediments to implementing the peace agreement and unabashedly flouting U.N. sanctions in Darfur.


Photo: Opposition rally in Sudan. (AP)